Houston Invitational - November 7-10, 2024
Memorial Park Croquet Center - Houston, Texas
You are invited to play in the Houston Invitational Tournament at the Memorial Park Croquet Courts. Taking advantage of our fall schedule will HOPEFULLY bring some Fall weather! Play will be at the croquet courts in Memorial Park beginning Thursday morning, November 7th and continue through Sunday, November 10th.
Play will include A6W Croquet doubles as well as American 6 Wicket Singles. We will match you with a partner so please indicate on the Entry Form your desire to play doubles.
USCA A6W Croquet – Doubles (Begins November 7th at 8:00 AM)
USCA American 6-Wicket Rules Singles (Begins later in the day Nov 7th depending upon enrollment)
Doubles will begin promptly at 8:00 am Thursday under the USCA Rulebook play. A6W Singles will also begin Thursday later in the day. Depending on enrollment, some games may be played under the new lights.
Lunches - Becks Prime Restaurant at The Memorial Park Golf Center
Lunches will be provided each day at Beck’s Prime at The Memorial Park Golf Center. Beck’s is well known for its Burgers, Steaks, and Salads as being “The Finer Side of FAST.”
Banquet and Celebration Dinner (Friday Nov 8th at ****TBD****- Beverages at 7:30 pm and Dinner at 8:00 PM) Guest Fee for Banquet $80)
Awards & Practice
Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in all singles for all divisions. Awards for Doubles will be for Winners and Runner-up. Play will take place on full size USCA courts. Dawson Balls (Solid and Striped primary colors)
The courts will be available for practice beginning at 3:00 Wednesday afternoon, November 6th. Participants can also register and pick-up their schedules. If you are unable to make the Wednesday afternoon packet pick-up, notify stuartwcoco@gmail.com (713-628-5704) for an emailed personal schedule.
Deadline for entry is October 25, 2024 (or until full.)
Entry fee: (payable to Houston Croquet Association)
Singles - $325 (and doubles - we will match you with a partner unless you prefer not to play. If so, please indicate on the entry form)
Guest Fee $80 (tournament Friday Banquet dinner only)
Tournament Director: John Brown (713-876-1508) johnobrown76@gmail.com
Tournament Manager: Stuart Coco (713-628-5607 stuartwcoco@gmail.com
HCA Secretary: Charlotte Pulitzer (713-397-5038) charlottepulitzer@gmail.com
HCA Treasurer: Paul Chan (713-864-1120) chanpaul@swbell.net
Tournament Referee: TBD
Drury Inn & Suites La Quinta Inn & Suite Hampton Inn & Suites
1615 W Loop 710 South 1625 W. Loop 610 South 5820 Katy Freeway
713-963-0700 713-355-3440 713-869-9211
800-325-8300 800-531-5900
Entries may be scanned and sent to chanpaul@swbell.net with copies to stuartwcoco@gmail.com in order to secure a place for the tournament. The limit of total players is at the discretion of the Tournament Director and entries are first come, first serve.
2024 Houston Invitational Tournament
November 7th – 10th , 2024
Memorial Park – Houston, Texas
Memorial Park Croquet Courts and Pavilion
Name________________________________________________USCA A6W Handicap_________
Email______________________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________
Guest Names___________________________________________________ (add $80)
Player Fee(s)…………………………………# of Players_____________ @ $325 per person = ________________
Playing Doubles? YES__________ NO________
Non-Player Guest Fee(s)………………………………..# of Guests__________@ $80 per person = ____________
TOTAL SUBMITTED = ________________
Mail Entry Form and Check to:
Houston Croquet Association
c/o Paul Chan
2430 White Oak
Houston, TX 77009
Make checks out to “Houston Croquet Assn”.
Eligibility approval for flights will be made by the Tournament Director. There will be Championship, 1st Flight, and Second Flight.
Croquet Whites are required for all playing participants, except during rain.
Number of participants is limited.